upload photo in laravel

Below code for experience guys

I have used resize function before used you have to run the below command.

composer require intervention/image
then, open the config/app.php , Add below service provider in provider array :

Now add facade to aliases array.

'Image' => 'Intervention\Image\Facades\Image'

//now add code in controller
public function store(Request $request)

//resize image

$imgwidth = 100;
$imgheight = 100;

$folderupload = 'uploads/logo_banner';

$Dirpath = public_path($folderupload.'/'.$AdminId.'/');  //$AdminId is the user id
    File::makeDirectory($Dirpath, $mode = 0777, true, true);

$file = $request->file('logo');
$filename = time() . $file->getClientOriginalName(); // prepend the time (integer) to the original file name
$path = $Dirpath . $filename;

// create instance of Intervention Image
$img = \Image::make($file->getRealPath());

// See the docs - http://image.intervention.io/api/resize
// resize the image to a width of 300 and constrain aspect ratio (auto height)
$img->resize($imgwidth, $imgheight);
$Profile->photo = $filename;


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